Advantages and disadvantages of stone countertops

Advantages and disadvantages of stone countertops

Posted by Arianne on 17th Jul 2023

Along with the development of science and technology and modern production technologies, the types of materials used in furniture production are also becoming more and more diverse. In addition to natural stone, people also research and develop artificial stones. This has helped diversify options for consumers who love stone countertops. Let's go with Sofa Minh Phu to find out the pros and cons of these types of dining tables!

Distinguishing natural and artificial stone countertops

If you do not have an in-depth knowledge of stone types, buyers can distinguish natural stone and artificial stone countertops by the following ways:

  • Based on stone veins: Natural stones often have veins with quite random distribution, unique colors alternating without obeying any rules, creating dining tables with unique patterns. and full of innovation. In contrast, artificial stone surfaces often have a fairly consistent and even color pattern.
  • Rely on touch: Both natural stone and artificial stone after being processed will have a smooth glossy surface. However, we can still distinguish these two types of stone by the sense of its temperature. Natural stone often feels cool to the touch, while artificial stone will often be warmer than natural stone.
  • Based on weight: Made of minerals compressed under the tremendous pressure of geological strata, natural stone has an extremely solid structure. Therefore, its weight is usually quite large. Meanwhile, artificial stone made from the main ingredient is stone powder, which will usually be much lighter than natural stone.
Distinguishing natural and artificial stone dining tables
Distinguishing natural and artificial stone dining tables